Moon and Sun - children's book Review
Price: $3.99
Version: 1.0
App Reviewed on: iPad 3
Graphics / Sound Rating:

Storytelling/Gameplay Rating:

Intuitiveness Rating:

Re-use / Replay Value Rating:

Overall Rating:

Moon and Sun - children's book, as the name may suggest, is a serene children's storybook that adults will be eager to share with their young children. It was early on within the testing of this app that I knew this was something a little bit special as it introduces the moon and the sun as children who feel lonely and would benefit from each other’s friendship. The imagery of the moon child - a girl styled in white and blue whom children meet with the tap of a moon illustration - is a very nice moment. Likewise when the sun - a boy of orange and yellow - is introduced after touching the sun drawing on the next page.
The illustrations are lush, with bright and bold colors that look beautiful on the backlit screen of the iPad. Music is also used throughout this app and is equally well chosen; it's upbeat but relaxing if not slightly moving at times and always very pleasing to listen to. Quietly dynamic, these pages include texture and shading in what I presume are hand-painted illustrations, as well as a nice use of movement to catch the attention of young people. Simple yet effective interactions are included that children will enjoy without ever overwhelming the experience, making this a lovely app for bedtime.
Having said this, there is certainly a lot of polish included within Moon and Sun, making it an app to recommend.