Lift Review Lift Review
iPhone & Apple Watch App
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Lift Review

Our Review by Michael Halloran on September 17th, 2012
Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: CAN BE USEFUL
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Lift is an app the helps users make and retain good habits and track their progress as they go.

Developer: Lift Worldwide, Inc.
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.0.4
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 4S

iPhone Integration Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar
User Interface Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Re-use Value Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar

Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar

Forming good habits isn’t always the easiest thing to do. There are many things that I know I should do every day but I just forget or I feel like I don’t have time to do them. My iPhone has become the tool I use to remind me to do things but I haven’t seen an app that helps me form and retain good habits. Lift is a new app aimed at trying to help people accomplish this and with a few tweaks I think it could really be useful.

I was really excited to give this app a try for a few days to see if really did help me form some good habits I’ve been meaning to tackle. Launching the app for the first time prompts users to sign up with Lift using an email address and password. Once logged in, the app presents a list of popular habits that many other people have chosen to add to their lists. There is also the ability to add in any custom habits if users don’t see their habit from the pre-populated list. The app provides a calendar and other views for tracking the days that each habit was completed to give users the ability to track their progress.

Lift is a very social app. The idea behind it is that users will see others doing their habits and this will motivate them to stay on top of their own habits. This is a good idea in theory, but I think seeing a bunch of names of people I don’t know that have checked in at their habit for the day doesn’t really motivate me to accomplishing my goals. However, the app does provide the ability to invite friends so users can track the progress of people they actually care about. Unfortunately there isn’t a way to turn off the social feed aspect of the app so users are stuck seeing all the people they don’t know check into each habit.

Now onto my biggest gripe about the app. There are no notifications to remind users to do whatever habit they have chosen to accomplish each day. It’s almost like I needed another app to remind me to look at Lift to be able to check in with my habits. I think this app could be really powerful if it had some sort of notification system that allowed users to be reminded to do their tasks at different parts of the day.

That said, I like the idea behind Lift and I think it has potential to be an app that many people use on a daily basis. Lift is free, easy to use and can be very helpful as long as users remember to launch the app every day.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge) - Goals & Habits screenshot 1 - Goals & Habits screenshot 2 - Goals & Habits screenshot 3 - Goals & Habits screenshot 4 - Goals & Habits screenshot 5

Apple Watch Screenshots

(click to enlarge) - Goals & Habits screenshot 6 - Goals & Habits screenshot 7 - Goals & Habits screenshot 8 - Goals & Habits screenshot 9 - Goals & Habits screenshot 10
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