
Our Review by Tony Kicks on July 20th, 2010
Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: Lacks Re-use value
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Photo booth that, just like photo booth on your Mac, is a lot of fun for a bit, but is forgotten about just as quickly.

Developer: Synthetic Corp
Price: $.99
Version Reviewed: 1.00
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 4

iPhone Integration Rating: Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
User Interface Rating: Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Re-use / Replay Value Rating: Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar
Features Rating: Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar

Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar

Once upon a time I dated a girl who was obsessed with retro photo booths. When I say obsessed I mean we would literally spend hours upon hours scouring a city trying to find one. Don't get me wrong, we had a lot of fun doing it and the photos were always hilarious, but our quests often lead us to some very...questionable establishments. That and being pulled away from watching the Bears vs. Packers game to go take pictures was not exactly a brownie point winner. Oh, how I wish I had something like IncrediBooth back then to help keep my sanity.

IncrediBooth does an amazing job of bringing those retro style photo booths straight to your phone. Using the iPhone 4's front facing camera you can quickly take a strip of photos using one of the three lenses (B&W, SuperContrast, and Kaimal infrared) offered. The SuperContrast lens gives a yellow/green tint while the Kaimal infrared leaves a red one. The lenses are chosen by twisting a knob to a "1, 2, or 3." While the app itself doesn't provide a description of which lens is which, it's easy enough to figure out after about 5 minutes of tinkering around. Quick tip, if you're having trouble turning the knob, use your thumb and pointer finger to twist, just as you would on a physical knob. From there you can "step outside the booth" to collect your photos to share via Facebook, e-mail, or save directly to your camera roll. Each strip is four photos long and you can chose to share each photo individually or the strip as a whole. The only real complaint I have about the app is the lack of support for the rear camera. There are plenty of instances I can think of where using the rapid fire shot towards others would be more than amusing, plus the flash would really help in low light situations.

In the end IncrediBooth is a very well made app but ultimately falls into the category of novelty. The $.99 price tag makes it a novelty that's worth a look especially if you're looking for a reason to use your front facing camera. However, without the rear camera support it will undoubtedly become an app lost in your iPhone's great abyss of folders with other greats like Sound Grenade and The Moron Test.


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