Horn Review
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Horn Review

Our Review by Kalle MacDonald on August 16th, 2012
Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar :: ENGROSSING
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A well-crafted journey that doesn't cease to amaze.

Developer: Phosphor Games
Price: $6.99
Version Reviewed:
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 4

Graphics / Sound Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Game Controls Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Gameplay Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar
Replay Value Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar

Overall Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar

As a fan of both the Legend of Zelda series on Nintendo consoles and the Infinity Blade franchise on iOS, I welcomed HORN with open arms. Believe it or not it delivers on both counts.

HORN is hard to explain. In essence it is an action-adventure game, but the details make it so much more than that. When inn the "adventuring" portions of the story, the game is played in a third-person perspective and the titular Horn is controlled by tapping where the player wants him to go. To go along with this, there are action portions of the game. These portions are played similarly to Infinity Blade, with a swipe to attack, and various ways to evade the enemies.

Where the game shows its colors is in the storytelling. The story is immediately interesting and hooks the player quickly. The story progresses both in and out of gameplay and is constantly evolving. When the player isn't playing, Horn portrays plot elements like a storybook. From whimsical art to cleverly designed characters, this storybook feel fits the story well. To top it all off, the characters are also fully voiced. This just adds to the already great story.

While the problems in Horn are minimal, they do detract from the experience from time to time. The controls, while they work the majority of the time, feel slightly clunky and loose. The character will often run into objects or the environment, or sometimes the character will not respond to the players control. While this doesn't happen often, it is very noticeable when it does.

Horn is a well-crafted game that has been well thought out. The story is creative and lovingly presented, and works with the thematic concepts perfectly. Aside from very few control issues, this is definitely a great game that shouldn't go unnoticed.


iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Horn™ screenshot 1 Horn™ screenshot 2 Horn™ screenshot 3 Horn™ screenshot 4 Horn™ screenshot 5

iPad Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Horn™ screenshot 6 Horn™ screenshot 7 Horn™ screenshot 8 Horn™ screenshot 9 Horn™ screenshot 10
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