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Our Review by Jeff Scott on November 12th, 2008
Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: ABOVE AVERAGE
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Measure the temperature from cricket chirps? What?

Developer: Pete Schwamb
Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 1.1

iPhone Integration [rating:4/5]
User Interface [rating:3/5]
Re-use / Replay Value [rating:3/5]

Overall Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar

CricketSong is an interesting app -- one that combines some heavy duty audio analysis to do a rather simple thing -- tell the temperature. You see, the frequency of the chirps of a cricket depends on the temperature. This is something straight out of the Farmers Almanac, but it really works according to Wikipedia.

CricketSong listens for the crickets, analyzes the sounds, and tells you the temperature. The unfortunate thing is that it's winter here. Raining outside and cold. Not a cricket to be found. So while I wasn't able to test it with real crickets, I was able to try it out with cricket sample sounds from

Overall, an interesting app that's doing some interesting work all hidden from the user. I can't wait for spring to really test this out. Want to know more about why this works and how it's done? Check out the developers home page here.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

CricketSong screenshot 1 CricketSong screenshot 2
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