Boxer Review
Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 4.4.3
App Reviewed on: iPhone 4S
iPhone Integration Rating:
User Interface Rating:
Re-use / Replay Value Rating:
Overall Rating:
Boxer is a mailbox app for iOS that seems to be able to do almost anything one could ask of it. Where many mail apps I've tried tend to lean either more toward user-friendliness or high customization, Boxer does a great job of balancing both - making it my new favorite mail client for mobile devices.
When users boot up Boxer they are greeted with their inbox view, which merges all of the incoming email from all connected accounts in a column view that is similar to most mail apps on the iPhone. From here users can open messages, swipe to archive or delete them, or assign other labels or actions to them such as putting them on a to-do list, liking them, or sending quick replies. While I found this layout relatively intuitive, Boxer accounts for the fact that this may not be the desired way to use email for everyone and have included customization options for users that want to boot into a different screen on startup, or change what the swiping actions do.
The fact that Boxer is easy-to-use out of the box and is extremely customizable from there is probably the best thing about it. However, there are a few key things that also make Boxer feel like a superior mail app to some of its competition. For starters, it boasts competent support for almost any email service or email-relevant service (e.g. Evernote, Dropbox, etc.) imaginable. On top of this, the app also integrates itself relatively seamlessly into Calendars and Contacts by allowing users to respond to event requests, view email histories, and access additional contact information all within the app. Of course, all of this integration isn't quite as seamless and easy as Apple's default mail app, but Boxer makes a compelling case for itself simply because it is "well-integrated enough," with the added bonus of being much easier to use than the standard mail app interface.Overall, Boxer is a great mail app for anyone looking for an alternative to their current mail client of choice. It presents itself in a nice, easy-to-use layout while also being completely flexible to the particular needs of anyone finicky about how they want to control their inbox.