Booze Tools Review
Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0
App Reviewed on: iPad 2
iPhone Integration Rating:

User Interface Rating:

Re-use / Replay Value Rating:

Overall Rating:

When watching a show like “Bar Rescue,” one begins to realize how difficult owning a bar is. It isn’t just fun and games, hanging around people and collecting huge profits off of them; there’s much more to it than that. One of the things bar owners need to take into consideration is their inventory of liquor, even in bottles that are at the bar. Matching quantity to finances is a good way to see a profit/loss margin, helping one maximize their potential.
Luckily, the folks at Omni Bit Group have developed a handy and affordable calculator to help users figure out the volume remaining in a weighed bottle. While these same numbers can be figured out by hand, Booze Tools offers users both at home and in the alcohol business a quick way to put weight to volume, helping them to get back to either making money or enjoying a glass of bourbon in their smoking jacket at home.
The overall presentation within Booze Tools is pretty basic and drab. This app isn't adorned with any colors nor anything that can spice it up. It is simply a weight-to-volume calculator tailored for those who want/need to measure their liquor supply. Luckily, being that it is a paid app, there are also no pop-up ads to contend with when using it.
Booze Tools is a great and practical app for the bar or club owner/manager trying to keep up with their stock of liquor. In the case of businesses it is important to manage supplies with profit margins in order to keep the doors open, staff paid, and one's wallet plump. This no-frills app, while requiring users to measure the bottles, will still help with converting weight to volume figures in either imperial or metric - helping bars across the globe be more profitable and on top of their content.