Alarm Clock Connect Review
iPhone App
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Alarm Clock Connect Review

Our Review by Bonnie Eisenman on September 24th, 2010
Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: JUST ENOUGH
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Alarm Clock Connect is a simple but useful alarm clock app that not only wakes you to your favorite music, but also lets you check the weather and Facebook before starting your day.

Developer: McLean Mobile Solutions
Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 1.21

iPhone Integration Rating: starstarstarblankstarblankstar
User Interface Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Re-use / Replay Value Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar

Overall Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar

An alarm clock app is arguably one of the most important apps you'll use -- if it doesn't work, you miss important events. It's also the first thing you'll see in the morning, and often your first stop for basic information such as the weather. Alarm Clock Connect is yet another candidate in this massive field, and while it lacks the curious, psuedo-scientific features of apps like Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock, it delivers a basic, sleek alarm clock with plenty of extra information packed into one manageable package.

Alarm Clock Connect wakes you up according to the alarms you specify (multiple alarms are supported, naturally). You can pick a song, a default sound, repeat frequency, and add a note. Individual alarms can be saved and switched on and off as necessary.

The extra features, however, are Alarm Clock Connect's real strength. By flicking through the panes you can check the weather, control your music, view your calendar events, and scroll through your Facebook or Twitter feeds. The app always remembers what pane you were viewing, so you can always wake up to the weather, for example. None of these features are revolutionary, but it's nice to have a simple app that delivers basic-but-important information.

The app itself works fairly well. Sometimes it suffers from lag, but closing and re-opening the app usually solves that. My biggest complaint is the app's lack of full background support...apparently you need it to leave Alarm Clock Connect running for the alarm to really work. Local notifications are sent if the app is closed, but those are hardly disruptive enough to awaken a heavy sleeper. It's not a dealbreaker, but the battery drain may be annoying.

Alarm Clock Connect isn't some mind-blowing new technology—but it doesn't need to be. Instead, it delivers a sleek, visually appealing alarm clock with support for all the necessities. For many of us, that's exactly what we need.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Alarm Clock Connect screenshot 1 Alarm Clock Connect screenshot 2 Alarm Clock Connect screenshot 3 Alarm Clock Connect screenshot 4 Alarm Clock Connect screenshot 5
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