For all its’ fanfare when it was released, and I was one of those in the mass of excited bodies, Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket has been underwhelming. Even its latest event, which recently kicked off, the Wonder Pick Event Part 2, had been a bit of a whimper.

To start off, it has hardly been a proper update has it? As the name suggests it is continuing the work that Part 1 started last week, and that had more content. Pretty much all we have is the addition of a few new Blastoise items in the event shop, which is okay at best.

I was always a basic Charmander fanboy, but I did like Squirtle, so being able to buy Blastoise card sleeves, coins, playmat, and icon is nice. But that’s all, just nice. There are of course new missions to accomplish to gain more vouchers, and the majority revolve around the Wonder Pick system.

Wonder Picks are those things where you can nab a random card from another player's pack, but the stamina takes about a year to reload so you need to be cautious. The event picks cost you two stamina, but you are in with a shot of pulling a Promo Charmander or a Promo Squirtle. Neither have particularly strong skills, but they are shiny and if you put something flashy in front of a collector, we are going to go for it.

My biggest issue with this event, if we must call it that, is that it seems to have scrapped the promo Blastoise single battle. Up to the time of writing, it still hasn’t returned, and I see no clear reason why. Why only have it active for part one and completely ignore two? This, on top of the very slow pack releases which means you boringly fight the same meta Celebi, Mewtwo, or Pikachu decks constantly, is putting me right off Pocket, I won’t lie.

If you would like to play a limited card pack opening simulator, Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket is available to download from the App Store and Google Play.

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