Marvel Contest of Champions' latest motion comic has arrived, and it shows off new fighters Air-Walker and Dragon Man. Both characters are set to arrive in-game this month.

Dragon Man was once a lifeless android, though he was eventually brought to life by Professor Gregson Gilbert. From there, he moved from being a hero to a villain and back again, always being manipulated to do the bidding of others. Thankfully, Dragon Man was eventually upgraded to the point where he could think for himself and become a powerful protector of those in need.

Air-Walker started life as a member of the Nova Corps, though eventually became Galactus' herald. Now he boasts the immense power of the Power Cosmic and Bow of Gabriel, which he uses to terraform worlds and crush his master's enemies.

Those looking for a full overview of the game's incoming content and fixes will find extensive patch notes right here.

The game's motion comics are a fun way of showing what's planned for the coming month, and I always appreciate the effort that goes into them.

If you're a fighting game fan who's yet to give this one a go, you'll find Marvel Contest of Champions available for download now as a free-to-play game from the App Store and Google Play.

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