Building the perfect Animation Throwdown: The Quest for Cards deck

Posted by Jessica Famularo on September 21st, 2016
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad

Animation Throwdown is a casual card game full of plenty of inside jokes from some of your favorite cartoons. It’s accessible as far as card games go, but that’s not to say that it hands your victories to you easily.

There’s quite a bit that goes into building the perfect deck, and it’s best if you start curating the ultimate deck from the start. Use this guide to help you clear out the competition.

Tend to your deck
You start off with a basic deck, and will earn more cards as you complete levels. Don’t forget to buy card packs as you earn gold. You’ll soon have more cards than you know what to do with!

Go to the “deck” option on the map and start curating your deck. You’ll want a deck that lets your most powerful cards and combos shine. You’ll also want to weed out any cards you don’t want and their duplicates to increase the odds that you’ll draw a good hand. Play a few rounds to see which cards are a good fit for you if you’re not sure.

Be on the lookout for new combos
You can combine character cards with item cards to create powerful combos. Some of these combos come with added abilities, like a brick wall that blocks damage, or healing abilities. There’s a huge number of different combos, and certain cards pair better with different characters. There are two ways to figure these suckers out.

First, you can just pair cards up in the heat of battle and see what you come up with. Just move a card in your hand overtop of a card you’ve already played. You can also tap a card and select the “combo” tab to view combos you’ve already discovered and what they do for reference.

Some cards are only discoverable through research though. You’ll have to select “research” on the main screen, and choose two compatible cards. After a few minutes, the lab will discover a new combo and you’ll be able to use it from that point on. You can speed up the timer by using gems if you’re impatient. Combos are a complete game-changer, plus it's fun to see what they can do. You’ll definitely want to sink time into research.

Don’t get too confident—play with strategy
You might have a powerful deck with some cool combos, but you’ll only be able to brute force your way through matches for so long. While the AI is pretty easy to trick, luck also plays its hand quite often. Make sure you’re upgrading your most frequently used cards (tap the card in the deck builder and choose the upgrade option) to boost their health and damage so they have some lasting power.

Play a card that can take some hits initially while you build up your hand in the first few rounds of the game. Place a second character and then start throwing on combos to do some serious damage while blocking oncoming attacks. A little forethought could save the match.

Want to boast about your own Animation Throwdown deck? Share your ideas in the comments.

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