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Dish.fm Guide Helps You Find The Best Food In Big Cities

Posted by Andrew Stevens on May 10th, 2013
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad

The Dish.fm Guide shares with you the best dishes, drinks, and desserts based on the results of reviews that have been pulled from sources like Yelp, Foursquare, and more in cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, and New York. You'll also get to see photos and an overall ranking of each dish. Dish.fm has recently analyzed over 8,000,000 million reviews, with hopes to expand across new cities.

Five For Friday: Week Of June 22

Posted by Jennifer Allen on June 22nd, 2012

There's a hefty focus on fun this week in our Five for Friday. We've got a cheerful selection with apps offering inspiration when it comes to travel destinations and meals out, to an interactive story for kids, arcade basketball and the return of an old classic. There's guaranteed to be something for everyone here.

Centipede: Origins
Atari has been updating many of its classic titles in recent months such as Breakout: Boost and Asteroids: Gunner. Latest to the selection is Centipede: Origins, updating classic arcade title Centipede with plenty of bug-blasting to be had. The title offers 3 upgradeable weapons with the same number of gadgets to use in order to stop the centipede onslaught. It should prove a highly entertaining reimagining.

Taking a vacation but not sure where to go? Be guided by Trippy, the app that shows off the splendour of many areas. Users can share their own experiences while checking out what friends and other visitors are exploring. Some beautiful sights are viewable here, all down to the imagery that others snap, as well as the ability to share opinions on the locations. Even if you're not travelling any time soon, take in some attractive views.

Rodman FT
Embracing the fun of flick mechanics, Rodman FT provides a 3D basketball free throw game connected to the one and only Dennis Rodman. Controls are simple with flicking and swiping dominant. The first level is free to play with others unlockable through in-app purchases so it'll prove an ideal distraction over the weekend. AirPlay connectivity and a special Augmented Reality level add to the experience.

Brave Interactive Comic
Recently released at the cinema, Brave is set to be a big hit amongst young adventurers and what better way of continuing such excitement than through the official app? The interactive comic gives fans the chance to relive the adventure of Merida as kids explore each of the 48 comic pages. Kids can get further involved through the drawing instructions within the app, which teach them how to draw their favorite characters from the movie.

It's not always easy to find somewhere tasty to dine out. While personal recommendations are the best source of inspiration, they're not always as simple to come by as you'd like. Dish.fm is a new app that offers a great way of crowd sourcing information and ideas by pulling together comments and constructive criticism on nearby restaurants as well as user photos and dish ratings. Users can liase with friends or strangers, hopefully getting a great cross section of views on an establishment.