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Tag: Game of the year »

148Apps Game of the Year 2024 - Unsung Games Edition

Posted by Campbell Bird on January 5th, 2025

For a few years now, I have done some traditional Game of the Year honorifics where I've given props to titles via various categories and finished with the silly exercise of trying to rank the top ten games of the year in an ordered list to declare a "winner."

There's still value in this, I think, but I have nevertheless decided to do something a bit different. Mobile is a strange landscape that feels like it gets stranger every year, and it causes a lot of people to overlook the entire landscape unless some splashy PC or console phenom gets ported. I get the logic here in entirely, and I also think that it would make for a list of games where I say Balatro is a really great game not entirely useful.

So instead I am just going to highlight some mobile titles from this year that I think folks should give a fair shake, even if they haven't heard of them or generally don't play mobile games in any dedicated sense. Here they are below:

148Apps Game of the Year 2023

Posted by Campbell Bird on December 28th, 2023

It's that time of year again! Join us as we highlight some of the best mobile games of this past year.

Before diving into picks and talking about games, I just need to say that 2023 felt like a real turning point for gaming on iOS, and not in a good way. This year, I played what feels like fewer mobile games than ever, and I chalk quite a bit up to what the reality of mobile gaming is now, which--with a few exceptions--looks a lot like "run with a subscription model or die."

More than ever, the App Store looks like the nightmare marketplace everyone previously (and somewhat prematurely) made it out to be. There's a small sliver of games that are actually worth your time and attention, and many of those are now just solid but unexciting safe bets, many of which you are asked to pay for on a recurring basis to have access to.

This is the headspace I'm in heading in to these awards, so it feels less like the celebration of mobile gaming that it should be. Still, though, there are things I played that I think other people should also check out. So, with that, the awards will roll in piecemeal across this week and wrap up just before we turn over to 2024. See below for the honorifics:

The Categories

For each of these categories, I'll choose a winner and mention some notable runner-ups. Any game nominated or chosen for any of these cateories is then eligible for the final category, Best Game, which is the culminating category where I will construct a ranked list of my favorite games from this year.

148Apps Game of the Year 2022

Posted by Campbell Bird on December 31st, 2022

2022 is almost over, and so now in the same fashion as last year, I wanted to model some Game of the Year awards through categories in addition to simply ranking my personal favorites. Between now and the dawn of 2023, I'll be updating this page regularly with new entries for each category, so make sure to check in and see what titles win which awards.

The Categories

For each of these categories, I'll choose a winner and mention some notable runner-ups. Any game nominated or chosen for any of these cateories is then eligible for the final category, Best Game, which is the culminating category where I will construct a ranked list of my favorite games from this year.

148Apps Game of the Year 2021

Posted by Campbell Bird on December 31st, 2021

Continuing the trend begun last year, I wanted to model some Game of the Year awards through categories in addition to simply ranking my personal favorites. Between now and the dawn of 2022, I'll be updating this page regularly with new entries for each category, so make sure to check in and see what titles win which awards.

The Categories

For each of these categories, I'll choose a winner and mention some notable runner-ups. Any game nominated or chosen for any of these cateories is then eligible for the final category, Best Game, which is the culminating category where I will construct a ranked list of my favorite games from this year.

148Apps Game of the Year 2020

Posted by Campbell Bird on December 31st, 2020

Every year, I always honor my favorite mobile games by highlighting some of my favorites. For this year, I'd like to try to do more than just say "hey, these games are fun." So, with some inspiration from other Game of the Year honors from around the web, I've assembled a few categories of video game honorifics to bestow on the mobile games that most deserve it.

In the coming days, be sure to check in to see nominees and winners picked from this list as we count down the final days of the horrid year known as 2020.

Game of the Year 2019

Posted by Campbell Bird on December 23rd, 2019

2019 has been one of the weirdest years in mobile gaming yet. With Apple Arcade emerging alongside other game subscription services like GameClub and Playond, it feels a bit like the wild west again. I’m not exactly blown away with any of these services so far, but it’s nice to see folks attempt to create spaces on the App Store for quality games to thrive.

Speaking of quality games, I played quite a few of them this year. By a rough count (I try to keep a list every year), I ended up playing over 350 mobile games in 2019. I wish it was a little harder to cull that huge list down to ten favorites, but it honestly wasn’t. The ten games you see below are my favorite games from 2019 by a country mile.

Game of the Year 2018 - Campbell's List

Posted by Campbell Bird on December 29th, 2018

Another year has gone by and I've found myself thinking of a new approach to how I’d like to honor my favorite games from this year. Instead of trying to stack rank games in an ordered list of ten, which seems par for the course, I decided instead to do things a little bit differently.

Below is a list of games I played this year that I have no reservations recommending to just about anyone. I figured this is probably easier than making caveats for certain games to fill out a list of ten, or trying to split hairs over whether one fantastic game is better than the other. I love every game on this list, and the only reason certain games are listed before others is because this list is ordered by release date. Check them out:

148Apps year end round-up: These are the top 5 games that came out in December 2018

Posted by Harry Slater on December 27th, 2018

Here it is then, the last part of our round-up of the sixty best games that came out for iPhone and iPad in 2018. We've covered every month from January to November, and you can check out all of the games included in the list by clicking this link right here. There's a whole bunch of the very best mobile games for you to discover there.

This last entry will be added to the list in a few days, so you'll be able to peruse the entire list at your leisure. Right now though, we're going to tell you what we think were the five best games that came out in December 2015. Agree? Disagree? Want to sell some dodgy pills? Then let us know in the comments at the bottom of the article.

Thanks for sticking with us through the whole of the list, and thanks for choosing 148Apps as your go-to site for the best news, views, and opinions on mobile gaming. We're going to be doing the same thing all over again in 2019, and we'd love it if you could join us then.

148Apps year end round-up: These are the top 5 games that came out in November 2018

Posted by Harry Slater on December 26th, 2018

We're up to the second to last part of our round-up of all of the amazing games that came out for iPhone and iPad over the last 12 months. That's right, these are the top five games that came out on the App Store in November 2018. And there are some real gems on this one, believe you us.

If you've not managed to check out any of the other entries in our massive list of the best games that came out this year, you can do that by clicking this link right here. Have you played them all? Do you think we've missed something out? Then be sure to let us know in the comments section at the bottom of the article.

And make sure you come back tomorrow to discover which games that came out in December have snuck into contention as the year winds down. And then come back in 2019 when we'll be covering all the best games for the whole darn year.

148Apps year end round-up: These are the top 5 games that came out in October 2018

Posted by Harry Slater on December 24th, 2018

In 2018, October, much like it has been for every year for a long time, was the 10th month of the year. Quite a lot of really good iPhone and iPad games came out, and we've picked what we think are the top 5 games out of all of them. It was a month heavy with sequels and ports, but don't let that put you off too much.

Remember you can check the rest of the list by clicking this link right here. By the end of the year, it'll comprise of a list of the 60 best games that came out in 2018. We think that's a pretty suitable salute to what's been an impressive 12 months.

Of course you might not agree with us, which is absolutely fine. Or you might be compelled to sing our praises to anyone who's going to listen. There might even be a middle road you could try and take. Whatever you choose though, let us know in the comments section at the bottom of the article.

148Apps year end round-up: These are the top 5 games that came out in September 2018

Posted by Harry Slater on December 21st, 2018

We're not going to mess you around here - September was another amazing month for iPhone and iPad gaming. Picking the five best games that came out in those wonderful 30-ish days was one of the most difficult tasks we've had to undertake. Which we guess proves how easy our jobs are.

Obviously we haven't started our list with September - that would be strange to say the least - so if you've missed out on any of the other entries you can click here to get caught up. Come New Year we'll have listed the 60 best games that have come out this year - we'd like to see another site that offers such value.

If you disagree with our choices, or if you think we've absolutely nailed everything here, please do let us know in the comments at the bottom of the article. Before that though, let's take a little wander down memory lane to the halcyon days of the ninth month of 2018.

[Updated] 148Apps year end round-up: The 60 best games for iPhone and iPad of 2018

Posted by Harry Slater on December 21st, 2018

Was 2018 the best year for mobile gaming this past decade No, probably not. But this is mobile gaming, which means that there are so many games coming out every week that there's always something good, always something to play, and always something that's going to make you smile. Which is why we've been rounding up, month by month, the best games that have landed for iPhone and iPad in 2018.

We've included links below to each individual piece, starting at January and eventually running all the way to December, so by the end of the series you're going to know 60 awesome games that came out this year on the App Store that you should definitely get to playing if you haven't already.

Obviously we'd love to hear your thoughts on our selections, so if you think we've missed anything, or if you're super glad to see your game of the year included, make sure you let us know. We'll be updating this list as and when we add new entries, so check back regularly all the way up to Christmas Day if you want to ensure you're ahead of the curve. Our year-end coverage doesn't end here either - we're you're one stop shop for everything you need to know or remember about the past 12 months in iPhone and iPad gaming.

148Apps year end round-up: These are the top 5 games that came out in August 2018

Posted by Harry Slater on December 20th, 2018

Oh hi there. We're up to August in our round-up of all of the very best games that came out in 2018. Other sites might do a game of the year, but we want to remind you about all of the amazing games that came out this year, so you can be sure that you've not missed out on a single thing.

You can click here to check out the rest of the list, covering the months from January to July. And when you've had a read of August's games, and realize you've got your own opinion on all of this, then do please make it heard in the comments section at the bottom of the article.

148Apps year end round-up: These are the top 5 games that came out in July 2018

Posted by Harry Slater on December 19th, 2018

We've passed the halfway point of our round-up of all the amazing games that have come out over the past 12 months. If you've not managed to catch up with all of the other entries in the list, you can click here to check them all out. When you've done that, come back here and we'll get you caught up with the very best games that came out in July 2018.

Now we don't want to spoil anything before we get into the meat of the list, but we can tell you that July was one of the best months in mobile gaming of 2018. Cutting the crop down to just five was pretty difficult, but we put the work in and we're pretty happy with the choices we've ended up with.

What about you? Think we've got it wrong? Think we've got it spot on? Please do let us know in the comments section at the bottom of the article. After all, who doesn't love a good natter?

148Apps year end round-up: These are the top 5 games that came out in June 2018

Posted by Harry Slater on December 18th, 2018

We've reached the mid-point of our round-up of the best games that came out for iPhone and iPad over the past twelve months. In other words we've reached the summer months, specifically June. Everything was sunny outside, you probably ate more ice cream than you did the rest of the year, and some games came out on the App Store.

We've gone through all of the games that came out in June 2018, and we've picked what we think are the top 5 games of the month. Have a read, have a think, and if you think we've got it right, or you think we've got it wrong, then please do let us know in the comments section at the bottom of the article.

If you want to check out the other parts of this list, we've put them all in a handy place for you which you can find by clicking right here.