Everything You Need to Know About Sam Barlow’s #WarGames

Posted by Campbell Bird on March 14th, 2018

Sam Barlow’s follow up to Her Story is #WarGames, an interactive video series that reimagines the 1983 film WarGames in a more present day context. It’s not exactly a game, but it’s definitely still interesting. Here are the top things you should know about it before diving in.

What is it?

#WarGames isn’t much like anything else out there. It’s like watching a TV show, but the whole thing is told through different screens, which primarily show different characters video chatting with one another. All of these screens are visible at once, but you can tap to switch between which feed you want to focus on.

While you’re watching, #WarGames keeps track of which video feeds you’ve focused on and changes your story’s arc depending on these choices. It’s not really obvious what you’re changing though. There are no moments when a character is begging for attention and you can switch to them to trigger some kind of choice. It’s a lot more subtle than that, so much so it's hard to tell that you're changing anything. That said, #WarGames definitely lets you know when things change, and even gives you an overview of the paths you took at the end of each episode.