Can DC: Unchained scratch your Batman for mobile itch when it comes out of soft launch?

Posted by Harry Slater on July 2nd, 2018

DC Unchained preview screenshot - The Flash takes on some parademons

You sort of know exactly what DC Unchained is going to be from a glance at the App Store icon. It'll either be a squad-focused, turn-based RPG, or an all-but-on-rails ARPG. It's the latter, by the way, and it features a whole host of DC superheroes and villains who are battling to try and save the world.

But there's more going on here than in your average mobile ARPG, especially if you're a massive DC comics fan. And even if you're not, this soft launch build shows that there's promise in the meaty fighting and epic upgrading that the game has to offer.