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Tag: Altos adventure »

Top Mobile Game Discounts

Posted by Campbell Bird on February 10th, 2025

Every day, we pick out a curated list of the best mobile discounts on the App Store and post them here. This list won't be comprehensive, but it every game on it is recommended. Feel free to check out the coverage we did on them in the links below to further vet these discounted games before you decide to buy:

Games marked with an asterisk(*) denote that the entire developer/publisher’s catalog is discounted, despite the fact that all of their games may not be listed here.

The Westport Independent (Free)

Click here to read our The Westport Independent review

The Bug Butcher (Free)

Click here to read our The Bug Butcher review

Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?! ($0.99)*

Click here to read our Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?! revie

Streets of Rage 4 ($1.99)

Click here to read ourStreets of Rage 4 review

The Top 10 Mobile Games of the Generation

Posted by Campbell Bird on October 8th, 2020

With new consoles coming out soon, it's inevitable for folks to want to look back and determine what were the best games that came out across the current console's lifecycle. This process is commonly referred to as picking the best games of the generation, but that terminology is making less and less sense as the games industry expands beyond console hardware and the systems themselves see half-step upgrades.

As silly as it may be as an exercise, I thought it would be fun to go back and look at "this generation" of mobile titles and pick and rank the ten best. In terms of time period, this takes us back to November 2013, which is actually interesting timing for mobile games. It's a world where Flappy Bird already released but hadn't yet become a cultural phenomenon, and the latest and greatest iPhone was the 5S.

Anyway, enough preambling, let's get to the list. See below for the best mobile games of the generation:

Alto's Odyssey shows how mobile sequels can be much more than the sum of their parts

Posted by Harry Slater on July 20th, 2018

The very best games mix together an effortless class and a compulsion loop that keeps you playing until your eyes are sore, your fingers are chafed, and you can't remember the last time you saw any sun other than a digital one. And that's why Alto's Odyssey ranks among the very finest experiences you can get on the App Store.

More than that though, the game is a brilliant example of how to do a sequel. It doesn't slavishly adhere to the formula of its predecessor, but it doesn't stray too far from what made Alto's Adventure great either. It's a balancing act of the very best kind. And it's also a whole heap of fun.

Alto's Odyssey Guide - How to Tackle the Tough Tasks

Posted by Campbell Bird on February 22nd, 2018

Alto’s Odyssey is a completely stunning and serene runner, but it can also be a bit tricky. Check out these to try and keep your cool while playing this endless runner:

Don’t focus too much on tasks

The main progression system in Alto’s Odyssey is tasks, which might ask you to travel certain distances or perform certain tricks in a run. While it may be tempting to try and get these tasks done ASAP, sometimes focusing on completing them makes them harder to complete. It’s often easier to accomplish more tasks more often if you just focus on having a really good run instead. On a good run, there are multiple opportunities to complete any given task, which increases your likelihood of getting them done.

Alto's Odyssey review

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Campbell Bird on February 21st, 2018
Our rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar :: EXCELLENCE IN ELEGANCE
Alto’s Odyssey is a stunning infinite runner.
Read The Full Review »

The best Black Friday mobile game deals

Posted by Jessica Famularo on November 24th, 2017

Black Friday's upon us, and if you've happened to nab a fancy new phone during the week's big savings, you might be searching for some new games to fill up space on your new gadget. There are a lot of great games on sale right now for Black Friday. Here are the best deals on the App Store.

Alto's Odyssey plays with hot-air balloons and wall-runs in new gameplay demo

Posted by Jessica Famularo on June 14th, 2017

Fresh out of E3, we got a new glimpse of Alto's Odyssey, the upcoming follow-up to Alto's Adventure, in an interview between Geoff Keighley and Snowman's lead producer, Eli Cymet. We got to see a full five minutes of gameplay, showcases some of the new elements that will be introduced in the game.

Alto's Odyssey gets its first trailer

Posted by Jessica Famularo on February 20th, 2017

There's finally video evidence of Alto's Odyssey, the follow up to the 2015 App Store hit, Alto's Adventure. It looks just as soothing and atmospheric as Alto's last outing, but this time players will be journeying to the desert. Whereas Alto's Adventure featured an endless playground of pine forests and snowy slopes, it seems that we'll be traversing sand dunes this go around. Despite these big, environmental changes, it looks like the beloved llamas will still be playing a role in Odyssey and Alto's iconic wingsuit will be returning.

The best winter sports games

Posted by Jessica Famularo on January 2nd, 2017
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Our rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: SLIPPERY SLALOM :: Read Review »

Now that the holidays are pretty much all wrapped up, the rest of winter looms before us, a daunting expanse. It's not all bad, though. We have a few mobile games that will help you appreciate this chilliest of seasons and keep you plenty entertained until spring returns. Here are the best of the best mobile winter sports games.

6 amazing mobile game deals to ring in the New Year

Posted by Jessica Famularo on December 28th, 2016
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: CLASSIC RPGING :: Read Review »

The downtime between Christmas and New Years is the perfect time to dedicate to some solid gaming. The App Store is making that even easier with a wide range of steep discounts on popular games. Here's an overview of just a few of the discounts available over the next week.

The best mobile games on a wintery theme

Posted by Jessica Famularo on December 15th, 2016
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Our rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar :: PUZZLY THE SNOWMAN :: Read Review »

As the miserable winter weather approaches (along with more excuses to hole up indoors -- there’s always a bright side!) it’s time to find comfort in some quality mobile games. To ease into the season, why not try some of these fine games on a winter theme? Snow and ice makes for some excellent platforming challenges, but developers get creative and find other ways to turn the snowy theme on its head. Here are some of our personal favorites.

Pumped BMX 3 and 5 other awesome stunt games

Posted by Jessica Famularo on October 6th, 2016
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad

Pumped BMX 3 is sitting pretty in the iTunes gaming top 10 charts after flipping onto the scene last week. The game's tough, but it rewards you if you stick with it. Featuring tons of different moves and combos, it's a blast trying to achieve level goals and create ongoing strings of tricks.

It's definitely one of the best BMX games on mobile, but there are plenty of others that can compete. We've gathered five other fantastic games on iOS and Android that fit the extreme sports theme.

148Apps's best games of 2015 - Glen's list

Posted by Glen Fox on January 1st, 2016

2015 has been and gone, and with it an absolute ton of awesome mobile games. We thought it couldn't possibly stand up to 2014 (which had Monument Valley, for crying out loud) but it did. It really did.

While I'd love to just gush about 50 or so awesome games I've played - on my various mobile devices alone - I've narrowed it down to just four. Yes, just four.

Without further ado, read on to discover more about, not only my favourite mobile game of 2015, but a few honourable mentions as well.

148Apps's best games of 2015 - Jen's list

Posted by Jennifer Allen on December 28th, 2015

I’d hate to count how many iOS games I’ve played this year - the number easily drifts into the hundreds.

Somehow, there are still many acclaimed titles I’ve yet to check out - but that’s probably a good thing, given how hard it was to narrow my list down to just a few titles.

Here are my personal favourites of the year.

The best Christmas games on mobile

Posted by Jennifer Allen on December 17th, 2015

Christmas is nearly upon us, which means you want everything in life to have a kind of snowy or festive theme, right?

Well, what better way to get in the mood than by playing a few festive treats on your mobile or tablet.

We at 148Apps have picked our favorite winter-themed games that you’re sure to enjoy these all year round.