Great Little War Game Review
Price: $0.99
Version: 1.2
App Reviewed on: iPhone 4
Graphics / Sound Rating:

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Replay Value Rating:

It is hard to deny that there is just something special about turn-based strategy games when they are executed on well, and this is no exception to the rule. Each turn is broken up into the span of a single day. As is customary the player can move their players around on the board in whatever methodology that they see fit, as to best exterminate the opposition. Mission goals can vary depending upon the situation, but most times all they will need to do is send the enemies to meet their maker, something that is all too fun pretty much every chance you get.
As long as you can get past the occasional instance of camera uncooperativeness, Great Little War game very much lives up to its name. You will get a significant bang for your buck and with more updates in the pipeline, the future seems very bright for this battle. Suit up soldier, you have a war to fight!