Act of Fury: Kraine’s Revenge Review
Price: $1.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 4S
Graphics / Sound Rating:

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Gameplay Rating:

Replay Value Rating:

Overall Rating:

Act of Fury plays like many other top-down shooters found in the iOS App Store. The player controls the movement of their character, Kraine Severe, by placing and dragging their finger on the screen to move. Kraine, offset from the point of contact so he doesn't become hidden, will follow that movement. Players must then to guide Kraine around each level, dodging enemy bullets and attacking them in turn. However, this game differs in one big way from any other shooter out there: instead of shooting his own projectiles back at the enemies, Kraine becomes a weapon himself by generating a swirling vortex of wind. To attack, players just need to move Kraine close to an enemy and bring the enemy into contact with the tornado surrounding Kraine. This damages and ultimately destroys the baddies.
While the game's title screen may be a bit on the cheesy side of things, the rest of the game's visuals are strong and live up to the visual standard for modern shooters. The enemies are creative and the attack patterns vary enough to keep the player on their toes. Massive bosses round out the complete shooter experience. The unique tornado-as-a-weapon mechanics bring something new to the genre and players should definitely take notice.