What's New

Thank you for the continued feedback and support! In this update:

✓ Tested to ensure great performance on all iOS versions, old and new.
✓ New and improved icon.
✓ Optimizations and bug fixes to improve overall game performance.

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App Description

The Military has hired world-renowned scientist Chanel Flores to explore a mysterious island that has suddenly appeared in the Bermuda Triangle! During her flight to the island, a mysterious electrical fog engulfed her plane, and forced her to parachute to safety. Help Chanel explore the island, and make her way back to her ship in Secret Mission – The Forgotten Island, a fun and exciting Hidden Object game.

☆☆☆☆☆ Features ☆☆☆☆☆

✓ Gorgeous atmosphere and compelling story
✓ Over a dozen perplexing puzzles
✓ Game Center Leaderboard and Achievements
✓ Facebook integration

☆ NEW ☆ If you like Secret Mission: The Forgotten Island, you'll love Amazon: Hidden Expedition! 
http://bigfi.sh/AmazonHE or search the App Store for Amazon: Hidden Expedition.

☆☆☆ Discover more from Big Fish Games! ☆☆☆

We’re big believers that everyone is a gamer at heart and that games are a great source of joy and relaxation. Founded in 2002, Big Fish Games is a developer, publisher and distributor of casual games. We offer a virtually endless selection of interactive games that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere — on your PC, Mac, mobile phone, or tablet. Renowned for offering A New Game Every Day!® on www.bigfishgames.com, Big Fish Games distributes more than two million games per day worldwide.

We have many other great iPhone games including:

➠ Time Builders: Pyramid Rising
➠ Flux Family Secrets: The Ripple Effect
➠ Secret Mission: The Forgotten Island
➠ Haunted Manor: Lord of Mirrors
➠ PuppetShow: Mystery of Joyville
➠ Amazon: Hidden Expedition

➠ Awakening: The Dreamless Castle
➠ Big City Adventure: New York City
➠ Nick Chase: A Detective Story
➠ Buckingham Palace: Hidden Mysteries

➠ Hidden in Time: Mirror Mirror

➠ Atlantis Sky Patrol

You can always find an updated list at www.bigfishgames.com!

Follow us on Twitter: http://bigfi.sh/BigFishTwitter

Become a fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BigFishGamesMobile

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Secret Mission - The Forgotten Island screenshot 1 Secret Mission - The Forgotten Island screenshot 2 Secret Mission - The Forgotten Island screenshot 3 Secret Mission - The Forgotten Island screenshot 4 Secret Mission - The Forgotten Island screenshot 5

App Changes

  • October 18, 2011 New version 1.0.1