App Description
Compute medical calculations on the fly!
+ Fully searchable
+ Favorites feature
+ U.S. and S.I. units supported
+ Details of the equations that are calculated
+ Categorical organization
+ Alphabetized index
+ Submission page for new calculators
+ A-a Oxygen Gradient
+ ABCD2 Score for TIA
+ Abs Neutrophil Count (ANC)
+ Anion Gap & Delta Gap
+ Apache II
+ Apgar Score
+ Basal Energy Expenditure
+ Bicarb Deficit
+ BMI, Surface Area, Weights
+ CHADS2 Score Stroke Risk
+ Child-Pugh
+ Corrected Calcium
+ Corrected Phenytoin
+ Corrected QT for HR (QTc)
+ Corrected Sodium
+ CrCl (Cockcroft-Gault)
+ CrCl (Measured)
+ CSF WBC Correction for RBC
+ Fick Cardiac Output
+ Fractional Excretion of Na
+ Fractional Excretion of Urea
+ Framingham Cardiac Risk
+ Free Water Deficit
+ GFR (Cockcroft-Gault)
+ Glasgow Coma Scale
+ Hepatitis Discriminant
+ IV Dose
+ IV Infusion Rate
+ LDL Cholesterol
+ Maintenance Fluids
+ Mean Arterial Pressure
+ MELD Score
+ Opioid Converter
+ Oxygenation Index
+ Parkland Burns
+ Peak Expiratory Flow
+ PERC Rule
+ PORT Score
+ Ranson's Criteria Pancreatitis
+ Serum Osmolality
+ Steroid Converter
+ TIMI Risk Score for STEMI
+ TIMI Score for UA/NSTEMI
+ Well's Criteria for PE
+ Winter's Formula