What's New

Small update:
- on review and tweet details screens, you can now navigate to both the next and the previous review/tweet;
- all screens showing webpages and full images are now rotatable;
- various small bug fixes.

App Description

The ultimate source for movie information.

Search movie details, cast, images, reviews and trailers and similar movies, as well as actor and director details, biography, filmography and videos.

Find out the DNA Score of a movie, a unique global movie rating based on leading movie review sites such as Rotten Tomatoes, Yahoo! Movies, IMDb.com, MRQE.com and Netflix. This makes it the most reliable movie rating available anywhere. Based on the DNA Score, you will will have access to the global Top 100 of movies with the highest DNA Score. This Top 100 is built by the users of MovieDNA, so if you don't see your favorite movie listed, just open it in MovieDNA and it will be added automatically! There is also a Top 100 of most popular movies, which are the movies that viewed the most in MovieDNA.

Discover what people say on Twitter about a movie or actor, tweet and mail about movies and actors, tweet video links and retweet movie tweets. Follow movie twitterers directly, check them on Twitter.com and TwitterCounter.com, and post your favorite movie and actor images to Mobypicture.

Add movies and actors you like to your Favorites list, for quick access.

Choose your own color theme. You can now choose from three color themes, available from the iPhone Settings: New Purple, the new default theme with real purple instead of pink, Basic Black, if you don't like color, and the old Classic Pink theme.

This is the paid version without annoying ads. If you'd like to try out the app first before spending the enormous amount of money this app costs, there is also a lite version on the App Store. That version though misses the extensive Twitter integration and the ability to store movies and actors in your Favorites list, and adding notes to your favorite movies and actors.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

MovieDNA screenshot 1 MovieDNA screenshot 2 MovieDNA screenshot 3 MovieDNA screenshot 4 MovieDNA screenshot 5

App Changes