What's New

We're excited to announce our integration with Single Sign-On (SSO) and account management. You can now sign in with your Facebook, Google, or Email address, add multiple delivery addresses, save your card details, and update your name and phone number. We've added push notifications so you can be updated of your orders status every step of the way. Like we always do, we have cleaned up a few bugs to make your experience smoother, seamless and awesome.Your ordering experience will be lot easier now. Enjoy your food

App Description

We are a family run, independent pizzeria and gourmet burger restaurant using only the freshest ingredients from our locally sourced suppliers. The Rustica family has been catering for 20 years and our slogan is big smiles, great food and teamwork. This combination ensures that we give our customers the highest standards and quality of service.

Let's talk food now - Our pizza dough is made fresh daily by our kitchen staff, so be rest assured of taste and quality. We also have mouth watering gourmet burgers which are served in brioche buns and come with delicious skin on, rustic chips. We have a selection of beef, chicken or vegetarian burgers options which will have you licking your fingers in burger heaven. Check out the rest of our menu, offering fresh pastas, salads, nachos, yummy deserts and more.
We also have a delivery service for those days where you just want a takeaway delivered to your door. This can be done through our online ordering service. Or if you prefer to collect, we can do that too. Just give us a call or choose collection after placing your order online.

iPhone Screenshots

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Rustica Leeds screenshot 1 Rustica Leeds screenshot 2 Rustica Leeds screenshot 3 Rustica Leeds screenshot 4

iPad Screenshots

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Rustica Leeds screenshot 5 Rustica Leeds screenshot 6 Rustica Leeds screenshot 7 Rustica Leeds screenshot 8

App Changes

  • June 16, 2019 Initial release