What's New

We're excited to announce our integration with Single Sign-On (SSO) and account management. You can now sign in with your Facebook, Google, or Email address, add multiple delivery addresses, save your card details, and update your name and phone number. We've added push notifications so you can be updated of your orders status every step of the way. Like we always do, we have cleaned up a few bugs to make your experience smoother, seamless and awesome.Your ordering experience will be lot easier now. Enjoy your food

App Description

When it comes to fast food outlets then Chunkyz is top of the pecking order. It is a leader in its field having pioneered the Peri-Peri burger and wrap.

The Chunkyz menu has grown over the years beyond Chunkyz. It now includes chicken wraps, burgers, chicken sandwiches and fresh salads. A key ingredient to Chunkyz success is unchanged – its fantastic signature sauces. The motto of Chunkyz is, “only give to your customers what you would give to yourself” , and this is something which we at Chunkyz hold high value.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Chunkyz screenshot 1 Chunkyz screenshot 2 Chunkyz screenshot 3

iPad Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Chunkyz screenshot 4 Chunkyz screenshot 5 Chunkyz screenshot 6

App Changes

  • June 17, 2019 Initial release