What's New

We're excited to announce our integration with Single Sign-On (SSO) and account management. You can now sign in with your Facebook, Google, or Email address, add multiple delivery addresses, save your card details, and update your name and phone number. We've added push notifications so you can be updated of your orders status every step of the way. Like we always do, we have cleaned up a few bugs to make your experience smoother, seamless and awesome.Your ordering experience will be lot easier now. Enjoy your food

App Description

Woody Pizza is a takeaway located on High Road in London and delivers fast food to your door or desk when you order online at www.woodypizzaonline.com. Order a Pizza today from Woody Pizza such as the Tandoori Chicken topped with chicken, mushrooms, chilli, beef and onion creating your favourite Indian meal on a Pizza base,. Why not order Potato Wedges andOnion Rings to complete your meal and top it all off with a Dessert or with the ever popular Haagen Dazs Ice Cream. Also on the menu you will see Pasta Dishes, Salads and Special Offers.

iPhone Screenshots

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Woody Pizza screenshot 1 Woody Pizza screenshot 2 Woody Pizza screenshot 3 Woody Pizza screenshot 4 Woody Pizza screenshot 5

iPad Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Woody Pizza screenshot 6 Woody Pizza screenshot 7 Woody Pizza screenshot 8 Woody Pizza screenshot 9 Woody Pizza screenshot 10

App Changes

  • October 11, 2015 Initial release
  • June 15, 2019 New version 7.1

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