Tweet Push, a Twitter Push Solution Released by Polar Bear Farm

Posted by Jeff Scott on July 17th, 2009
iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad

We just got a quick look at Tweet Push from Polar Bear Farm. Chances are that the Twitter client you use on the iPhone doesn't currently support push notifications. Tweet Push fills that gap by working with your Twitter client to let you know when you get a new direct message, mention, or if you are really in need of constant interruption, a new message from one of your contacts.

Currently, Tweet Push works with Twitterrific, Tweetie, Twittelator, and TwitterFon. When you receive a message, Tweet Push will take you straight to the twitter client you choose. One of the best features of the app is that it does not count toward the API limits that Twitter has in effect. That means that if you have a desktop client running this won't eat into the number of calls you can make.

Tweet Push is one of the first subscription based apps in the app store. The app itself costs $0.99 and includes one month of service. Service is $0.99/month after that. Pretty reasonable considering the infrastructure needed to support this kind of app.

Sounds like an app you might like? Head on over to our Twitter stream for details, we're giving away 25 copies of the app over the next two days.
