My scariest mobile game - Final Fantasy 7

Posted by Harry Slater on October 17th, 2018

This is going to be a bit of a weird one, but bear with me. The game that has scared me the most isn't a horror experience (don't get me wrong, I won't go outside if it's foggy thanks to Silent Hill 2), it's actually Final Fantasy 7. Sounds ridiculous, right? But there's a good reason that no other games have managed to put me quite so on edge as Square's classic JRPG.

There are some horror aspects in the game - you find Vincent Valentine in a coffin in the basement of a mansion. And he's a vampire. But those moments are more box-ticking tropes than anything else. No one's terrified of Vincent Valentine, unless they harbour dark fears about androgynous cybergoths.

It's not the bits in Final Fantasy 7 that were meant to scary that put the fear of Genova into me, it's the moments where it shows just how vulnerable your party is. It's when it shows you just how exposed to the world you really are.