Did you happen to catch that brief moment during Apple's press event yesterday where they showed a bit of Galaxy on Fire? Well it turns out we were actually given a brief glimpse of the upcoming Galaxy on Fire 3 - Manticore.

Deep Silver FISHLABS has confirmed that Galaxy on Fire 3 - Manticore is on the way, both for iOS devices and for Apple TV as a prequel titled Manticore Rising. Most of the details are still unknown at this point, but Manticore will definitely still involve dogfights in space with loads of different ships you can customize. "Social envelope" is also a buzzword that's being tossed around a lot in the info sheets, which means there's going to be social stuff in there I guess? Though there is mention ofasynchronousmultiplayer, which sounds mighty interesting. Oh, and it looks pretty. Really pretty.

We'll undoubtedly learn more as time goes on, but for now we just know that we won't be able to get our hands on Galaxy on Fire 3 - Manticore until 2016.

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